Bankovní poradna zdarma Podvod #21123,Podvodník ze zahraničí

Podvodník ze zahraničí, Podvod

Dobrý den, tohle mi přišlo do e mailové schránky - co s tím mohu dělat?

Good day, Mr. Kubik We are informing You about Your transaction of 15 717 USD to Your bank CZ68 0800 0000 0009 4501 9173 GIBACZPX, Via SWIFT transfer, which cannot be completed as You do not have the necessary money flow on Your bank. As soon as we have the confirmation that You have it money will be unfrozen, and sent. Please do it before 24.03, for preventing penalties. Sincerely, Lloyds bank Good day, to confirm the money flow on Your account, You have to have a transaction of income and outcome, for at least half(7 860 USD) of the sum You are getting (15 717 usd), this is done to satisfy AML policy. Anti-money laundering (AML) refers to a set of laws, regulations, and procedures that financial institutions and other regulated entities must follow to prevent, detect, and report illegal activities that involve money laundering. Money laundering is the process of concealing the true source, ownership, or destination of illegally obtained funds by transferring them through legitimate channels. AML regulations are designed to combat a range of criminal activities, including drug trafficking, terrorism financing, tax evasion, and other forms of financial fraud. Financial institutions are required to implement AML programs that include customer due diligence, ongoing monitoring of customer transactions, and reporting suspicious activity to regulatory authorities. AML regulations are enforced by government agencies, such as the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) in the United States, and failure to comply can result in significant penalties and reputational damage for financial institutions. Best regards, Lloyds bank

Daniel 1.4.2023

Dobrý den,

jde o podvod - email označte za spam a smažte. Roboti denně rozesílají tisíce podobných emailů na náhodné adresy, nemá smysl na to jakkoliv reagovat.

Pavel Strašák, Redaktor 1.4.2023
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