Bankovní poradna zdarma Podvod #7524,Email z Afriky

Email z Afriky, Podvod

Dobrý den, dnes mi poslali z Afriky email. Chci se zeptat, jestli to je lež. 

FROM THE HONORABLE DESK OF MR.AFRIQ TINO. DIRECTOR INTERNATIONAL REMITTANCE DEPARTMENT.BANK OF AFRICA (B.O.A.B) 24/BLOCK B.021 AKPAKPA ROAD COTONOU-BENIN REPUBLIC OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER +229 62004305 We received your mail and your Bank data’s was acknowledged, Like we told you on our last mail that we have concluded the transfer of your fund, be inform now that all your fund $15.7 Million Usd will get to your account in your country within 6hrs after the transfer here. You have to pay €395 Euro for the Bank transfer fee and it can not be remove from your total money, as you know you suppose to pay more than €395 Euro but due to the source of your fund we where told to receive only €395 by the International Monitoring Fund IMF and after the payment you will get your money as we stated above. We can not use our Bank email for now for security reasons but as soon as you send the fee we will furnish you with our site. Here is the information you will use to send the €395 dollar NAME== DAVID MARK COUNTRY== BENIN REPUBLIC CITY== COTONOU Waiting your update, Afriq Tino.

Miroslav Z. 17.9.2019

Dobrý den,

samozřejmě se jedná o podvod, pouze se z Vás snaží vytáhnout peníze. Proč si myslíte, že by Vám neznámý cizinec z Afriky chtěl poslal miliony dolarů?

Petr Jermář, Hlavní analytik 17.9.2019
Jak hodnotíte odpověď?